Dontsov V.I., Krutko V.N. Anti-aging therapy for all. M.:URSS. 2023. 214 p. (Russian)


A new field of modern medicine – "Anti-Aging Medicine" (Anti-aging medicine or Anti-Aging medicine), combines deep fundamental research in biomedicine and broad preventive capabilities of practical medicine, as well as modern general health and cosmetology technologies.

Written by Russian authors who have been working for many years in the field of aging biology, preventive and wellness medicine, this book is a unique guide in the rapidly developing field of science and practice, which opens up fundamentally new possibilities for influencing the underlying mechanisms and consequences of human aging.



Table of contents



Mistakes, myths and cliches in the ideas of aging

The history of views and theories of aging

The complex composition of the science of aging.

The common cause and main mechanisms of aging.

The manifestations of aging are from cells to the body.

The phenomenon of longevity.

Progeria is accelerated aging.

Effects on life expectancy in the experiment.

Demographic methods for measuring the rate of aging.

Measurement of individual aging rate (bio-age).

Indicators of the level of health.

Methods of assessing the mental state.

Solving problems of sleep disorders.

Emotional burnout, diagnosis and control.

Age-related diseases, their risks and prevention.

Geroprophylaxis and anti-aging medicine.

Bioecology as the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Assessment and optimization of nutrition.

Dietary supplements – features and principles of use

Herbs in health improvement and geroprophylaxis

Adequate physical activity.

Massage and Manual therapy

Breathing Exercises.

Psychological correction.

Anti-stress measures.

Means of "cleaning" organs, tissues and cells.

General stimulants (stimulants).



Other useful tools.

Hardware for general health improvement and geroprophylaxis.

Geroprotectors – special anti-aging products

Cosmetology in anti-aging medicine.

Immortality in the cultural traditions of the West and the East.

Basic abbreviations and concepts.

List of literature.