Gavrilov M.A., Dontsov V.I., Krutko V.N. Anti-aging medicine: a practical course. M.: Chyfrovycok. 2013. (Russian)


A new field of modern medicine, Anti–Aging Medicine, combines deep fundamental research in biomedicine and broad preventive capabilities of practical medicine, as well as modern general health and cosmetology technologies.

Written by Russian authors who have been working for many years in the field of aging biology, preventive and wellness medicine, this first practical domestic monograph is a unique guide in the rapidly developing field of science and practice, which opens up fundamentally new possibilities for influencing the underlying mechanisms and consequences of human aging.

The guide is intended for doctors of Anti-Aging Medicine, general health and preventive medicine, researchers in these fields, and is also available to everyone interested in this problem.





Chapter 1. Methodological approaches and main provisions

1.1. System analysis as the basis for the study of the phenomenon of aging

1.2. Chaos and self-organization of systems

1.3. The main mechanisms of aging and the general principles of its containment

1.4. Mathematical model of aging

1.5. Examples of applications of the theory


Chapter 2. Assessment of individual aging


Chapter 3. The main types of aging

3.1. Aging as a systemic "pollution" of the body

3.2. Aging as the loss of non-updatable elements

3.3. Aging as an accumulation of damage and deformations

3.4. Aging as changes in regulatory processes

3.5. The interrelationships of the four main mechanisms of aging

3.6. Practical applications of the systemic theory of aging


Chapter 4. Systemic technology of aging diagnostics


Chapter 5. Diagnostics in the "Anti-aging" program

5.1. Self-test questionnaires

5.2. Tests on the functional state of organs and systems

5.3. Optimal calorie intake

5.4. Express diagnostics

5.5. Comprehensive diagnostics of aging

5.6. Diagnostics of biological growth

5.7. Other hardware studies

5.8. Clinical blood test

5.9. Special diagnostic complexes

5.10. Some special diagnostic points


Chapter 6. General principles of aging prevention

6.1. General content of the technology

6.2. General principles of technology

6.3. The main directions of medical and wellness techniques

6.4. General conditions for the implementation of programs

6.5. Bioecology is the basis of a healthy lifestyle

6.6. Prevention of drug addiction

6.7. General recommendations for a healthy diet

6.8. Biologically active additives

6.9. Effects of physical education

6.10. Manual therapy

6.11. Breathing exercises

6.12. Stress prevention

6.13. Electroacupuncture in the harmonization of biorhythm functions

6.14. Special anti-aging products

6.15. Other biostimulants

6.16. Devices for therapeutic, preventive and general healing purposes

6.17. Stages of the Anti-aging program

6.18. List of drugs, devices and means of action

6.19. Recommendations for dietary supplements and remedies

6.20. The main advantages of the program


Chapter 7. Psychological correction and attitudes

7.1. Psychoemotional disorders in old age

7.2. Psychocorrection in old age

7.3. Altered states of consciousness and psychocorrection


Chapter 8. Directions of cosmetology of anti-aging medicine

8.1. General overview of methods

8.2. Some commonly used methods

8.3. External products

8.4. Hardware cosmetology

8.5. Methods of classical cosmetology

8.6. Surgical possibilities in cosmetology

8.7. Stem cells in cosmetology


Chapter 9. Immortality in the cultural traditions of the West and the East

9.1 New technocratic ideas of human transformation: myths and reality

9.2. General principles of ancient philosophical teachings on human transformation

9.3. Overview of general ideas about the World and practices of human spiritual self-development

The list of recommended literature

Application.Computer systems in anti-aging medicine