Dontsov V.I. The new immune theory of aging. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1356-9. Lambert Academic Pulishing GmbH&Co. 2011. 114 c. (Russian)


The article considers the systemic theory of aging, created on the basis of modern scientific methodology – system analysis, which includes existing theories of aging as separate mechanisms. An idea of the essence, global cause and main types of aging, mathematical models and quantitative assessment of aging of the body is derived. Based on theoretical consideration, models and known biological facts, it is concluded that the regulation of cell growth is a central mechanism for the growth, development and aging of multicellular organisms. The regulatory centers of the brain that control growth and development carry out effects through growth factors acting on the most important peripheral mechanism – specific populations of lymphocytes involved not in the immune response, but in the regulation of the growth of somatic cells. Models of the formation of such a specific system of lymphocytes in evolution and experimental facts of their detection are presented, their properties, changes in aging of the body and ways to restore function for the rejuvenation of cells, tissues and the whole organism are described.






Chapter 1. Methodological principles of studying the phenomenon of aging..5


1.1. The history of views on the aging process...........................................5


1.2. Methodology of cognition – a paradigm shift................................…13


1.3. System approach: modern methodology of scientific cognition.….…14


1.4. Process models: phenomenological and essential modeling...............17


1.5. Aging as a global phenomenon of Being..........................................18



Chapter 2. Theoretical approaches to the study of the phenomenon of aging....21


2.1. The essential definition and cause of aging................................……21


2.2. The basic formula for describing aging.........................................…23


2.3. The main global mechanisms of aging.........................................…26


2.4. Modeling of the main global mechanisms of aging...........................31


2.5. The regulatory theory of aging as the main mechanism of aging .......43


2.6. Unified systemic theory of aging......................................................54




Chapter 3. The new immuno-regulatory theory of aging........................................................................65


3.1. Self–organization of cellular systems is the basis for the formation of organisms...............................65


3.2. "Cellular hypercycle" – the basis of self-regulation and self-regulation of multicellular organisms......67


3.3. T-lymphocytes – regulators of somatic cell growth....……………………………….………………..72


3.4. Specialized cellular system for regulating the growth of somatic tissues............................................75


3.5. Properties of lymphocytes-growth regulators of somatic tissues........................................................80


3.6. A new concept of the emergence of immunity...............................................................................…83


3.7. A new immuno-regulatory theory of aging.......................................................................................85


3.8. Prospects of immuno-correction of aging.........................................................................................89



