triumph and the crisis of the public health institute in the 20th century As convincingly showed in the article “Good Health Is
Self-Sufficiency” by Anisimov V. and Krut’ko V. in
the 20th century the public health institute triumph
manifested itself in a nearly double increase of human lifespan, which to a great
extent was caused by the mankind success in finding of effective means for
the counteraction to pathogenic microorganisms. But in the second half of the
century Public Health crisis started on our planet and slowed the positive
tendency in a human mortality and lifespan dynamics. The cause of the crisis
displayed mostly in the developed countries, was that by then mankind
succeeded in creating rather comfortable living conditions and could protect
rather well from harmful environmental influences (in general
sense), this in turn led to that humanity achieved biologically determined
upper level of a human lifespan. Studies made by some foreign and Russian
researchers, including the National Gerontology Center (NGC) experts, had
shown that the average human lifespan is equal to 85 years for women and 80
years for men. Prophylaxis
of aging as means for radical
extension of active life period Sanitary-hygienic means and
traditional prophylaxis and treatment technologies, which triumphally
increased the human lifespan in the first part of the 20th century,
have mostly exhausted their abilities to extend human life. So the need of
principally new medical technologies has appeared. This gave rise to a new
generation of medical technologies for aging prophylaxis, which was focused
mainly on the processes of natural “normal” deterioration and aging of the
organism structures and functions. [Krut’ko 2006]. Only these
technologies are opening great possibilities to overcome the existing average
human lifespan and make the next loop in doubling of the full-value active
life period. There are serious reasons to consider, that advancing
development of these technologies will lead to solution of the aging problem
already in the first half of the current century. Aging
prophylaxis as a systems technology The
modern approach to aging prophylaxis is based on the following two principal
laws of the gerontology:
So the practical technology for the
prophylaxis of aging should be based on “The Systems Theory of Aging”. Such
theory has been developed during the studies of the The Main results of NGC and conclusions are in this direction: ·
is a “chaos increase” at all structural levels of an organism, which leads to
general reduction of vital capacity and increase of death probability; ·
general cause of aging is a consequence of the fundamental nature law
(the second law of thermodynamics) of entropy (chaos), which increases in a discrete not fully open
systems, and to which the class of the living organisms belongs. ·
following four main types of aging processes can be defined: -
“Contamination” of organism systems; -
of pathogenic diversity of organism structures (due to a deficiency of forces
for internal selection of the “necessary” structures within the given
system); -
of any non-renewed structures of organism; -
of control and coordination of vital activity processes. ·
accordance with mechanisms of these types of aging both general and special
measures for retardation of aging can be offered. Hierarchical
system for retardation of aging can be presented in the following way: COMMON PRINCIPLES TO AFFECT AGING Types of Effects Target Effects
(to the cause) CAUSE evolution ensuring for human organism and its systems
(to the primary MECANISMS (pollution control) mechanisms) OF AGING - Global
self-regeneration (described as for all levels and structures) global types - Stimulation of selection of aging) mechanism (cull out all changed) - Correction of regulation systems (continuation of development programs, imbalance correction, stimulation of cell self-regeneration)
(a complex of SYNDROMS Anti-stress
effects interconnected OF AGING Immune stimulation manifestations)
Adaptation effects
Metabolic correction Training of organs and systems Correction of regulation systems Complex syndrome therapy
Hormonotherapy, Adaptogens, manifestations
OF AGING Vitamins,
Transplantation of organs of aging) and tissues, Prosthesis, Substituting fermentation therapy The structure
and functions of the general practical technology for aging prophylaxis and
prolongation of the human active life period are built in compliance with the
NGC’s Systems Theory of Aging. It is
convenient to single out the following 4
stages or program courses of geroprophylaxis: 1st
purification, sanitation and function harmonization, 2nd stage: biostimulation (bioactivation), 3rd
stage: special
effects on biological age, 4th
stage: supporting
influences. On the
basis of aging diagnostics results the contents for each stage is selected
individually in accordance with a general status of patient health, type and
the traits of aging. |