The National Gerontology Center (NGC) was established in
1996 as a not commercial not government partnership to elaborate
innovation technologies prolonging active human life and to advance new
branches of medical science - "Prevention of Ageing " and
"Anti-ageing Medicine". The NGC includes leading researchers and
teachers of the higher school in the sphere of anti-ageing. For
more details see Administrative Board and Scientific
Advisory Board. The NGC combines
efforts of the pre-eminent scientists, experts and
practitioners from the Russian Federation and foreign countries to solve
fundamental problems of ageing and related chronic diseases, prophylaxes of
socially dangerous diseases, among which are cardiovascular, oncologic
diseases and diabetes, to apply this knowledge to the public health
technologies, to increase the duration of active full-value human life and to
inform people about the anti-aging developments. These activities are carried
out by means of realization of joint Projects, which are
evaluated at the beginning by the Scientific Advisory Board. The NGC Founders are the
leading scientific and medical organizations of Russia: v
State scientific center of the
Russian Federation – Institute for Bio-Medical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences v
Institute for Systems
Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences v
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State
Medical University v
Moscow State Medical
Stomatological University v Research Center of Gerontology, Russian
Ministry of Health Founders provide NGC with
the resources (space, staff, material means and “know-how”) for carrying out
mutual interest researches in accordance with the NGC’s programs. The NGC
is opened for all experts who
are interested in development of the science and technologies of anti-ageing
medicine and invites them to collaboration. The NGC contacts: Adress: National Gerontology Center, 9, prospect 60-letiya
Octyabrya, 117312, Moscow, Russia Tel.:+7(499)135-7901. Fax: +7(499)783-91-32 E-mail:; . |